Why in the world would you want to pay for a TV bill, a satellite bill, and be limited to what you can watch without upgrading to yet another package when you can have it all?! What do I mean? Well, I watch TV, movies, sports and highlighted events before anyone else because I decided to try some new software that opens up 3000 channels on my computer.
Upon inspection, it's kind of hard to believe that all these channelse are just... there! Some take a bit to load but it's understandable because they are from around the globe. The movie selection is fairly up to date and I can now just pluck anything I want to watch digitally without having to own a DVD library, or pay some network for their limited content base. Overall?.... Yes very impressed with this so far! - take a peek -

This is what IPTV is all about - It compiles and programs a slate of channels from around the globe from over 80 countries, and it only cost me a small fee that was actually LESS than any of my monthly bills. Will the police come knocking on your door? Nope :) Why? because this is fully legal, there are no laws on this deregulated market yet, nor will there be for quite some time as technology and content evolve so quickly.

It's most of the channels you probably already have, plus tons of new ones - hard to even keep up with all the content at your fingertips... To see a full list of channels, movie previews, keep reading.

The beautiful thing is that you can watch full screen on your PC or plug your TVtuner card from your PC right to your TV inputs and watch all this stuff on your bigsceen :) That, is innovation! Unlike satellite frequencies, there are no reset codes or things you need to keep your connections or stay up to date with passwords etc.

This is actually very simple and I wish I found this sooner, my family is Polish, and this has quite a few channels and connections that are not found within any local channel providers or sites. After dabbling in this industry for a little while, this software may not be for everyone however those looking to eliminate your TV bill, watch TV from your home country, get great movie channels and never worry about legal issues for satellite TV then this is perfect for you, You can take a test drive yourself right now of what this powerful little software can do by visiting the signature link, happy tubing!!

Next Step - Preview the software at no cost -

Sincerely Jerri

About the Author
I work from home promoting useful products.