Garmin has introduced a new model in its entry level line, the nuvi 255w. This model has new and improved features and shows you why Garmin is one the best in producing gps navigation units. Here is a list of the new and improved features on the Garmin nuvi 255w.
Complete North America Maps and Text to Speech
My favorite upgrade is the complete maps for North America which come complete with text to speech. The text to speech technology gives you turn by turn spoken directions with the real names of streets. I have found that this is very helpful in keeping my eyes on the road and avoiding getting in accidents.
4.3 Inch Wide Screen and New Interface
The Garmin 255w also features a wide 4.3 inch screen that displays 70% more of what's around you as you are driving. The new interface shows you distance to and direction of your next turn, name of the road you need to turn onto, the time you will arrive at your destination and your current speed and speed limits in the area you are driving.
Satellite Prediction Hot Fix
In the past you may have had to wait for the GPS unit to lock in on three satellites to work effectively. Well, this model has the new hotfix which predicts where the satellites should be so it can lock in quicker and reduce the amount of time you have to wait for your directions.
Navigate By Photo
By combining Garmin connect photos with Google Panoramio photo sharing, you can download them to your nuvi to use pictures as a guide during your trip.
3D Terrian Maps
These maps show you when to expect hills, mountains and other natural features. These maps are also viewable when using the 2D view.
Send Addresses Directly From Google Maps or Mapquest
If you decide to get a small plugin, which you can get from the Garmin website, you can transfer addresses from google maps or Mapquest from your computer to your Garmin GPS unit.
Traffic Updates and other News
If you decide to get an optional receiver, you can receive traffic updates, weather updates, news, movie listings and much more.
As you can see this Garmin nuvi 255w is a great unit that will satisfy the needs of most people who need a GPS unit. The price is still very affordable as it is still an entry level unit but has top of the line features.
For more information on this garmin gps navigation unit, visit this site: Garmin Nuvi 255W For more information on other garmin gps navigation units, visit this site: Garmin Nuvi GPS Products